So, farewell then, Whitechapel

The six week run of ENGLAND at the Whitechapel Gallery has finished. Nearly 2500 people saw the show, performed within an exhibition of work by German artist Isa Genzken. It gathered some fabulous responses:

whitechapel gallery audience

Whitechapel Gallery ENGLAND audience photo: Karl James

“This portentously-named two-hander left me feeling cross that I hadn’t simply been allowed to spend the hour pottering through the Whitechapel’s splendidly renovated galleries.” The Standard

“The piece is well worth seeing, and not just because of its beautifully crafted script and assured performances. And nor because of its unconventional and, as the text acknowledges, antiseptic setting.” The Times

“….an endlessly thoughtful piece which artfully challenges a globalised world where everything is for sale, and questions the value we put on art and on human life.” The Guardian

“Tim Crouch may not be a household name but he’s a peach of a theatre-maker: conceptual without being obscure; experimental without losing the plot, or indeed faith in the power of words to move you.” Time Out