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Tim Teaches

There are a few places remaining on Writing for Performance – a residential course Tim is co-leading with the playwright Chris Thorpe for the Arvon Foundation. April 22 – 26. Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire.  

BBC Audio Drama Awards

Tim’s adaptation (with Toby Jones) of Italo Calvino’s If on a winter’s night a traveller for BBC Radio was commended as a finalist in the Best Adaptation category of the 2024 BBC Audio Drama Awards.

I Malvolio at the Globe Theatre, London

 30 NOVEMBER – 9 DECEMBER in the SAM WANAMAKER PLAYHOUSE Malvolio is coming to harangue the debauched people of London. Book now as tickets are going quickly.

Tim Crouch in Keswick on te%

Truth’s a Dog wins Fringe First

Truth’s a Dog Must to Kennel won a Fringe First for its premiere run at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh in August 2022.  Read more about it in The Scotsman.  More about the show.